среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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����� On my B-day in September (Marte�and �I actually �share a birthday, how cool is�that, I��ask you)� C �M got me a gift card for Borders. I�held on to it all this time because I�knew that Neil Gaimanapos;s new book was coming out, and that I wanted it. Well tapos;other night I finally got over to Borders to get it, and ran into the sweetest and most useless bookseller on the� face of the planet.� She meant well, of course, but.... ��
����� To begin with, Iapos;m pretty sure she was about twelve years old.� She was, coincidentally, blond, but I�do not judge based on follicle hue... However I�knew more about books when I�was in grade school than this little girl (bless her heart)�did on Friday night. First of all, she didnapos;t know who Neil Gaiman WAS. Then I�had to spell Gaiman for her. Twice.� While she studiously perused the shelves in the Sci Fi section (I�told her it would not be there) I explained that numerous people (online)�had remarked that it was difficult to find the book as each bookstore seems to be filing it under a different heading.� I�suggested general fiction, new releases and fantasy, before mentioning that the book ("The Graveyard�Book" with� illustrations by the brilliant Dave McKean, him of Mirrormask)� actually *is* currently #1 on the�� New York Times bestseller list for childrenapos;s books.��
��������She stared at me blankly.�
����� "Children"� I�said. "Small people with�chocolate on their fingers?"
����� "If we had his book" she said brightly, "it would be under "G" for... How do you spell that name again?"
���� I gritted my teeth (over 20 minutes had passed by at this point).
����"Perhaps under new releases?"�I said carefully. "�It *is*�one, you see. A new release. Released newly, as it were." �������
����By �this point I�was thoroughly annoyed and felt like I�was trapped �in the Monty Python sketch about the book shop. ("Are you sure you donapos;t have it?�You have a lot of books here Thatapos;s Dickens with the two "k"apos;s and the silent "Q")
She looked at me in a bewildered fashion (Though not unduly bothered by her current state of confusion.)
��� "I
�could look for�the shelf with his book on it?"�she ventured.
���� (I�think it was at this point that I�began channeling John Cleese)
����"It would have to be a very large shelf,� young miss He is,� as they say,� prolific. Itapos;s
Neil Gaiman. With the "a" and the "i" and the dozens of bestselling books. "
(I�almost� said "Try��under "Good Omens"... Perhaps near by Terry Pratchett of the�three "rapos;s"�the four"Tapos;s", and no middle initial" but she was confused enough.)
���� It was at about this point (when I was half ready to mow down the entire Home Improvement section to make way for a hyperspace bypass) that an ADULT mercifully appeared and asked if he could help me.
��� "I�hope so"�I�said wearilly. "I�am looking for the�"The Graveyard�Book", by..."
��� "Ah"�he interrupted, "Neil�Gaiman�Brand new New release, best seller, Childrenapos;s section, quite prolifc...have you read "American gods?" and off he went like a scent dog on a trail, straight to the shelf in question and the coveted tome. "Here you are".
"Bless you."�was all I�said.
���� The Man at the cash register had read every book ever written by both Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, and furthermore suggested an author called Christopher Moore.� I could have kissed him.
���� After all that, however, I�am not acually reading the book yet�(two Terry Pratchett books �to finish first)�because �there are video clips of Neil Gaiman reading the book in itapos;s entirety, and I�want the see/hear all of those before I read it for myself. He is very funny and has the greastest inflections. (Plus, he does all the voices) After that,�I�plan to devour every word.� :-)

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