воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

falling apart lyric trust company

I washed my dadapos;s car today, well, every sunday.
Today we had to wash, polish and applied some thingy for the rubbers in the car.
Damn tiring.. Took like one and a half hour.

After that we went out for lunch then came home, took a nap again
Slept with my dogggggy.

Then we had dinneeeeeer�:D Here comes the funny part.
We were having noodles for dinner.
So it contains meatball and fishball, so i didnapos;t like both.
I tried to pass it to my brother but failed,
then my mother couldnapos;t finish her Noodles, so she asked my brother and said, apos; do you want my GOODLES?apos;
In the end me and my brother started laughing like crazy, at first i think me and him was like laughing at different thing?�Then in the end we were like laughing for no reason.
Like at that moment itapos;s just really funny, we tried to continue eating, but each time we tried, we start laughing AGAIN.
We practically laughed for TEN MINUTES.
At first my parents were like thinking are we crazy or something?
In the end seeing us laugh so much THEY started laughing too.
Then my mother want to laugh, but donapos;t want to show, then when she laugh, her face SUPER FUNNY.
Then make me laugh and in the end, EVERYONE started laughing again -.-
We ate for 5 mins, laughed for 10 mins and tried to finish our food in the other 5 mins so in the end we took 20 MINUTES to eat dinner, thatapos;s like waaaaaaaaaaaay too long.
We were like tired for laughing and super sweaty and hot

I tried my best not to think about it, but i donapos;t know why i just canapos;t do it.
I donapos;t know what to do next..
Can you tell me what you want me to do?

falling apart lyric trust company, falling apart lyrics.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

application deadline dec scholarship

ANYWAY, I love Ruki. Blah blah blah~ fangirl speaking...haha.

Ive decided to make that journal I was talking about, and I may make one two more after that.
It depends on where I stand at that time.

My hyde muse isnapos;t doing anything. Much like my hide muse, but hyde isnapos;t in a community...I dont know if ill put him in one...hmm

who else was on my list....

Hm oh yes, those....ugh.


I dont have much to say....



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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

beautiful dreamer

Istuin tanaan hyparilla kahvilassa ja kuvittelin millaista on nahda perhe uudestaan ensi kesana, pystyn nakemaan sen kun kavellaan Helsinki-Vantaan tuloaulasta ja sit aloin itkemaan kun tuli niin haikee fiilis... Samalla se ajatus teki mut niin onnelliseksi, kun ma tiedan etta ne on siella ja se paiva tulee viela etta ma naen ne.. Ihan hassua, oon ollut taalla seitseman viikkoa ja mietin jo kotiinpaluuta. Sit tuntu kauheen laiskalta, en ois jaksanu menna takasin kouluun ja tajusin etta ihan samaa ma siella kahvilassa teen kuin koulussakin. Yleensa kirjotan paivakirjaa vihkoon, mutta koulussa en voi juoda kahvia enka kuunnella musiikkia ja kahvilassa mun ei tarvi kuulla jos joku jauhaa musta paskaa ja luulee etten ymmarra... O_o Naja...
Mut ihan hassua, mietin millaista on tulla takaisin kotiin ja nahda kaikki. Kaipaan kavereita ja sita etta Suomessa mulla oli elama, ja sinne ma oikeasti kuuluin, taalla on nyt viela vahan hakusessa. Inhoan sita etten puhu latviaa, oikeasti kun ymmarran jo aika paljonkin, mut sit ku en vaan kuitenkaan pysty kommunikoimaan, pakko puhua englantia.. Inhoon olla se VAIHTARI.
Mut sillai ihan kauhee ajatus, etta taa ei tule kestamaan ikuisesti, yksi vuosi vaan ja se on siina.. Ja silti oon jo nyt tavannut niin ihania ystavia, sellaisia joista ma tiedan etta kuulen viela vuosienkin paasta. Ja meilla on niin ihana vaihtariporukka, tullaan toimeen niin taydellisesti <3.
Mulla on koti-ikava jossain tuolla kaukana pohjalla ja siella ma haluan sen pitaakin, niin kauan kuin vain pystyn.. Joskus se hyppaa silmille ihan hassuissa tilanteissa.
Ma ootan jo joulua :) Paatin etta ei se niin kaukana ole ja jaksan kayda koulussa siihen asti, eli kahdeksan kouluviikkoa. Sitten joulun jalkeen odotan hiihtolomaa ja sitten paasiaislomaa.. Ehka ma todella jaksan kayda siella koko vuoden vaikka ajatus masentaakin mua hemmetisti. Mulla on vaan yksi syy jaksaa kayda siella, kun muuten mun kaveri joutuisi istumaan yksin :D Parempi se kuin ei mitaan.
Mua pelottaa joulu silleen, ma odotan sita mutta aina kun kuulen parikin tahtia joululauluja haluan Suomeen juhlimaan joulua perheen kanssa. Tiedan etta joulu on taallakin tan perheen kanssa tosi ihana, nailla on niin hyvaa ruokaa ja naa on niin herttasia. Mutta silti... Pelkaan etta tulee kamala angstimasennus ja vaan itken jossain koko kolme paivaa. (Kuten voi ollakin, ihan vahasen vaan...)
No joo, sit eilen tylsyyttani matikantunnilla tuijottelin maailmankarttaa ja listasin kaikki maat missa haluaisin kayda. Loysin yhteensa 34 :D En oo viela ihan tarkalleen suunnitellut etta miten ja milla rahalla, mutta viela ma kayn niissa kaikissa..
Sano minun sanoneen. XD
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After a maint(iirc lol), Martel and I went down to Quicksand Caves to kill some NMs. Was actually just one NM that I wanted to do which drops an axe I wanted to use for WAR.

To pop this NM, we needed to get an item from a ???, which took sometime to find... And we did afew random NMs also to kill sometime and try and get drops and such

Ah well... No drop but was fune hehe

Also some other NM that Martel got aggro by or something, so we killed it and the mobs that had come to say HAI during the fight~

FINALLY found it

Though as you can see I was think and didnapos;t see that I did NOT get it, due to full invent /sigh
Cut a long story short, finally got the item and poped the NM.

Got drop too
Despite my crappy lot lolol.

Afterwards, went to Boyada(w/e) Tree and camped this NM for its drop, was a tough and harder fight then I was expecting it to be but wow... Was fune too

Another fun lot too hehe.
Went after chest too, seeing as I had the key and we were there:

Adding this because it made me smile... Lol.

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addresses business

2. Birthday:
3. Where do you live:
4: What are you studying/What are you working as:
5. What makes you happy:
6. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:
7. What is particularly good/bad about my LJ (it can be anything from my snarky social commentary to my moodtheme):
8. An interesting fact about you:
9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment:
10. Favorite place to be:
11. Favorite lyric:
12. Best time of the year:
13. Weirdest food you like:

1. A film:
2. A book:
3. A song:
4: A band:

1. Favorite Fandom:
2. OTP/OT3:
3. Icon/Fic Journal (so I can join):

1. One thing you like about me:
2. Two things you like about yourself:
3. Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you?
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Date: October 15, 2008
Song(s) of the Day: Alicia Keys "I Am" album, N.E.R.D.apos;s "Spaz", "Happy", "You Know What" and "Sooner or Later", Jennifer Hudsonapos;s "Spotlight", Ray LaMontagneapos;s "Trouble", Terrence Trent Dapos;Arbyapos;s "Delicate" and "Wishing Well", Jack White and Alicia Keys "Another Way to Die", Flock of Seagulls "Ran so far Away", John Legend feat. Andre 3000apos;s "Greenlight", Justiceapos;s "D.A.N.C.E.", The Tankapos;s "Please donapos;t go", Chaka Khanapos;s "Ainapos;t Nobody", Tom Pettyapos;s "Runninapos; down a dream", Beckapos;s "Black Tambourine", Death Cab for Cutieapos;s "I will possess your heart", Govt. Muleapos;s "Iapos;m a Ram", Damien Rice and Allison Hannigan "Live at Union Station Album", Bloc Partyapos;s "Bluest Light", Ozzy Osbourneapos;s "No more tears", Foo Fighterapos;s "Pretender" and "Let it Die", Caesarapos;s "Jerk it Out", Robert Randolph and the Family Bandapos;s "Calypso", Susie Suhapos;s "Your Battlefield", P.M. Dawnapos;s "Iapos;d die without you"...and thatapos;s all Napster would let me get down before it froze again...sheesh

Dear Livejournal, it has been a YEAR, and some change, since my last confession and boy how time has changed me. Letapos;s get to the "big deal" first. I quit being an engineer. Interesting how that decision came about...
Well, I hated being an engineer. I havenapos;t looked through all my old journals but Iapos;m sure the lines "I am this close to slitting my wrists before I go into work--EVERYDAY" or my "Fuck you, fuck you, your cool list" or the rant of "how this place is killing my soul Sucking it through my eyeballs like a damn Suckubus This whole God damned place is a GIANT SUCKUBUS"...you know the usual. Well, one day I went into Hell, my favorite place to chill, and I was talking to one of the bartenders, Care Bear. I was sipping my drink and telling Care Bear about how much I hate my job...and then I stopped.

Man, Iapos;m whiny If I hate my job so much, why donapos;t I just quit and find a job where I donapos;t want to do physical harm to myself or others?? So right then and there, I quit my job--in my head. Of course, it didnapos;t take effect until another 2 weeks (finding a new job, getting my finances straight, etc.), but man The fact that I was leaving through a HURRAH amongst my co-workers. Not that I was leaving, they loved me, but that I was escaping the Suckubus and pursuing what I really should of been doing--the arts :cD

Yep folks, were back to the arts again. That creative energy that we so neglect and suppress on a daily basis. Well...NO MAS I decided to take some classes over at TCC Portsmouth, The Visual Arts Center, I took a drawing class and a photography class while still working for the Suckubus. I am now a double major in both Photography especially being my new lover...mmh..mmh..mmh...good. I started taking those classes and making the decision to leave NGNN was even easier

I had a job lined up, but that fell through. But that is what savings are for ladies and gentlemen. Moved in with a 2 other girls, got my money right, and started looking for a new job. Go figure that I got a job in Hell...Hellapos;s Kitchen on the Bay that is Haha
Money is tight, but good. Iapos;m having a BLAST Iapos;ve had the day to work out--oh I did a Rock N Roll Half Marathon last year...and I finished Since then, Iapos;ve been working out, off and on, but now OFFICIALLY ON and I feel great I will have 3 to 4 days off at a time for school and other projects that Iapos;ve taken on. Check it out:

1) I started a business with my parents. Iapos;m going to be selling my dadapos;s banana pudding sauce. I am the sales team as well as the marketing/advertising specialist. This was all my idea Yeah I was going to go small, but with my parents wanting to go big, as in Walmart, Food Lion, Krogerapos;s etc. I needed their know-how. Man There is a lot of stuff you have to do that I didnapos;t even think about too so this is a BIG PROJECT for us all

2) Iapos;m learning how to play guitar and growing out the apos;fro Learning isnapos;t TOO bad, but the theory confuses me a bit. But itapos;s coming along.

3) Like I said, Iapos;m working out again. Swimming, running, pilates, yoga. Going to do some 5K, 10K and work my way up to the half marathon and all of that.

4) Getting my money organized for buying a house and just getting myself situated period Thatapos;s a task in itself boy And the reading...well, Suze Ormanapos;s book was on POINT But some of the others...I fall asleep EVERYTIME 7 pages into the book...so boring

5) I am about to get paid for taking photography, which of course is freaking me out But the more you know, you know...
Doing this will really get me into doing more artistic photography and probably even motivate me to do some other types of artistic outlets. I was thinking jewelry making (for the photography shots) and painting (commercial paintings for corporations and executives)

6) You knew this one was coming...learning how to make wine, beer and sake. Considering there is a store right around the corner who sells the kits of this stuff for next to nothing...oh yeah If I could learn that trade, well thereapos;s idea number 3 (Idea number 2 is in progress)

Phew, Right

And of course not to mention me going to the gun range, going to concerts (N.E.R.D), shopping, traveling, and dating.....BWAHAHAHAHAHA...Iapos;m sorry, Iapos;m sorry You know I had to slip that last one in there Hahahaha Oh man....


There is, sorta-kinda a guy, named um...S.B.T.B. That I really, REALLY like. But, weapos;ll see what happens with that guy. I wonapos;t see him until Feb./March of next year anyways, so...

SLAP SLAP Stay focused

Oh and of course, I donapos;t drink as much anymore. Remember those 10 shots of tequila, no problem? Yeah...3 shots of anything and Iapos;m feelinapos; just fine for the next COUPLE of hours. Donapos;t go out as much and get into shenanigans <---(spell check) like I used to. And because of it, Iapos;m saving THOUSANDS Geez...

Uhhh...well, thatapos;s all I can think of in updating you of all that has happened within the past year. Itapos;s alot hunh...yeah. Iapos;m still processing it myself, but man does this all feel right. Iapos;m FINALLY, FINALLY moving on the right path I should have been on LIGHT YEARS ago No better time than now right?

Well, someone told me I should start writing you again, to keep those fresh ideas flowing. So here I am.

Peace, love and new beginning again

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I am so in love with my faith right now and I thought I�should mention that. The peace that I felt at First Day meeting seems to have lingered throughout the week with me and I feel it in parts of my life where there was very little peace before.�

I�am so inspired by these quotes:�

Be patterns, be examples in all countries, places, islands, nations wherever you come; that your carriage and life may preach among all sorts of people, and to them; then you will come to walk cheerfully over the world, answreing that of God in everyone; whereby in them you may be a blessing and make the witness of God in them to bless you. -George Fox.�

Even in the Apostlesapos; days, Christians were too apt to strive after a wrong unity and uniformity in outward practices and observations, and to judge one another unrighteously in these matters; and mark, it is not the different practice from one another breaks the peace and unity, but the judging of one another because of different practices...for this is the true ground of love and unity, not hat such a man walks and does just as I do, but because I�feel the same Spirit and Life in him, and that he walks in his rank, in his own order, in his proper way and place of subjection to that; and this is far more pleasing to me than if he walked just in that track wherein I�walk. -Isaac Penington.�

Begin now, as you read these words, as you sit in your chair, to offer your whole selves, utterly and in joyful abandon, in quiet, glad surrender to Him who is within....turn in humble wonder to the Light, faint though it may be. -Thomas Kelly.

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